Les Formats


Classic Sets

Built on-site
  • In collaboration with an institution
  • Duration: from 2 months to 1 year
  • Setup time: around 2 to 3 months

Reusable Sets

Assembled & Disassembled
  • Can be set up anywhere
  • Duration : from 2 months to 3 years
  • Setup time : around 15 to 30 days

Natural Sets

Public Spaces
  • Sufficient and secure public space
  • Duration : from 1 to 10 days
  • Quick setup (<1 day)

Would you like to organize a Home Movie Factory within your institution (museum, gallery, business, public space, school, etc.)? Feel free to contact us by email to share your project: ufa.gondry@gmail.com.

How to Set Up a Home Movie Factory

The requirement for free public participation can sometimes complicate the funding of a project with a strong social dimension.

Local institutions interested in the visibility and high attendance generated by a Home Movie Factory generally supplement their budget through public (EU, local authorities, etc.) and private partnerships.

To help fund the project, occasional venue privatization can also be considered.

Feel free to contact us for more details by email at: ufa.gondry@gmail.com.