Elementor #6907

"Ready to use" Version (Reusable Sets)

The so-called “Turnkey” version involves using reusable sets from one Home Movie Factory (HMF) to another. Although initially more expensive due to the required investment, the assembly costs for future HMF installations are significantly reduced, making it possible to set up HMFs in smaller cities compared to the “Classic” version.

Due to the substantial initial funding required, this version of the HMF lends itself well to itinerant use. Once the sets are designed (which takes 2 to 3 months if not already available), each installation can be completed in 15 days. This allows for the possibility of setting up in, for example, 4 different cities per year (1 month for setup/teardown, and 2 months of operation).

As with the classic version, occasional “venue privatization” can be considered to help fund the project.

The number of participants per group can vary from 7 to 20. Group departures can be scheduled every hour (or every 1.5 or 3 hours, depending on the venue’s constraints).

Classic Sets

Built on-site
  • In collaboration with an institution
  • Duration: from 2 months to 1 year
  • Setup time: around 2 to 3 months

Reusable Sets

Assembled & Disassembled
  • Can be set up anywhere
  • Duration : from 2 months to 3 years
  • Setup time : around 15 to 30 days

Natural Sets

Public Spaces
  • Sufficient and secure public space
  • Duration : from 1 to 10 days
  • Quick setup (<1 day)